Adobe Dreamweaver CS6


Download Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 Crack Patch Serial Number - Setelah kemarin sharing mengenai Download Adobe Photoshop CS6 Crack Patch Serial Number, sekarang gantian Adobe Dreamweaver yang juga sudah masuk ke versi CS6.

Apa saja fitur terbaru di Adobe Dreamweaver CS6? Fitur tersebut dapat kita baca di bawah ini tapi masih memakai bahasa Bule ya soalnya lagi malas translete.

Fitur Adobe Dreamweaver CS6

-Fluid Grid Layout
Create cross-platform and cross-browser-compatible web designs using the CSS3-based Fluid Grid Layout system. Work faster and more efficiently as you develop projects using clean, industry-standard code for a wide range of devices and computers. Visually construct complex web designs and page layouts without getting buried in code.

-Improved FTP performance
Save time uploading larger files with the reengineered multithreaded FTP transfer tool. Upload site files faster and more efficiently to speed production time.

-Adobe Business Catalyst integration
Use the integrated Business Catalyst panel in Dreamweaver to connect and edit sites you build with Adobe Business Catalyst (available separately). Build e-commerce sites with the hosted solution.

-Enhanced jQuery Mobile support
Build native mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms using updated support for jQuery Mobile. Build apps to reach mobile audiences while streamlining your mobile development workflow.

-Updated PhoneGap support
Updated support for Adobe PhoneGap™ makes it easier to build and package native apps for Android and iOS. Create mobile apps by repurposing existing HTML code. Use PhoneGap emulators to check your designs.

-CSS3 transitions
Animate changes to CSS properties as transitions to bring web designs to life. Maintain greater control of web design as you finesse page elements and create captivating effects.

-Updated Live View
Test pages before publishing using updated Live View functionality. Live View now uses the latest version of the WebKit rendering engine to provide the ultimate in HTML5 support.

-Updated Multiscreen Preview panel
Check the display of projects built for smartphones, tablets, and desktops with the updated Multiscreen Preview panel. This enhanced panel now enables you to check rendering of HTML5 content.

Cara instalasi Adobe Dreamweaver CS6

1) Install aplikasi dalam mode trial (tidak butuh serial). jalankan aplikasi dan pilih mode trial lalu tutup aplikasi.

2) buka folder DLL copy file dll nya dan paste ke direktori.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 > (Win 64bit)


C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 > (Win 32bit)

Di folder DLL ada folder original 32bit itu buat backup jika gagal/ error

Ingat pastika anda telah memututskan dulu komputer atau leptop anda dengan koneksi internet karena adanya koneksi internet dapat menyebabkan kegagalan instalasi.

Untuk Download Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 Crack Patch Serial Number silahkan klik link di bawah ini.

Mediafire 2 Part pasword : darkwatch

[Download part1] [Download part2]

Oke semoga berhasil dalam instalasi dan download Adobe Dreamweaver CS6

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